Treatment of Slip Disk Amritsar, Punjab | Slip Disc Pain Treatment | Amandeep Hospital

Treatment of Slip Disk

A slipped disk, also known as a herniated disk or a prolapsed disk, occurs when a disk in the spine becomes damaged and bulges out of its normal position, putting pressure on nearby nerves. It can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the back, legs, or arms.

The severity of the injury can vary greatly, but immediate treatment is essential to prevent further complications.

How Painful Can a Slip Disk Be?

  • Pain can be debilitating and severe. The condition occurs when the gel-filled cartilage disk between the vertebrae of the spine starts to slip out of place.
  • The slip disk pain can cause inflammation, discomfort, and difficulty in moving or bending due to pressure in the spinal nerve root.
  • Nerve damage is caused due to compression of the nerve root.

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What are the known causes of the slipped disk?

The medical term for a slipped disk is Intervertebral Disk Disease, which refers to a disk that has been displaced from its original position in the spine.

There are several reasons that cause a slipped disk:

  • Ageing is a prominent factor in the natural weakening of the vertebral disks and their decreased elasticity, leading to an increased likelihood of herniation. Nevertheless, even people between the ages of 30 to 50 are experiencing slipped disks due to prolonged inactivity, undue stress, or over-exertion.
  • Injury to the spine, such as from a fall or other traumatic event, can result in a slipped disk.
  • Repetitive motions such as bending and twisting can put an increased strain on the disks, thereby elevating the risk of herniation.
  • Poor posture or sustained sitting in an unnatural, hunched-over position can put extra stress on the intervertebral disks and potentially lead to herniation.
  • Heavy lifting or twisting the back while doing so may put excess pressure on the intervertebral disks and potentially cause them to herniate.
  • Slip disks in some people can also cause due to genetic predisposition.

Is it possible to treat a herniated disk?

By looking at the common symptoms, the treatment of slip disk option is delivered. With range of treatment options available, you need to consult with experienced pain management specialist for slip disk treatment.

Slip Disk Treatment without Surgery

Treatment of slip disk includes non-surgical procedures such as physical therapy, medication, hot and cold therapy, and spinal injections.

Physical Therapy for Slip Disk

Physical therapists are skilled in developing personalized rehabilitation programs that may be beneficial for individuals suffering from a herniated disk (also known as a slipped disk) and its associated sciatica. Exercise regimens may include strengthening the back and abdominal muscles and increasing flexibility.

Various physical therapy techniques may be utilized to address a herniated disk, some of them include:

  • Engaging in stretching activities to relieve tension on the sciatic nerve.
  • Strengthening exercises to promote spine stability.
  • Core stabilization exercises to improve the muscles that support the spine.
  • Manual therapy such as mobilization and manipulation to enhance range of motion.
  • Therapeutic modalities including heat and cold therapies, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation can be employed to reduce pain and inflammation.

Pain Medication for Slip Disk

Pain medications can be an effective treatment of slip disk causing sciatica. The type of medication and the duration of the course mainly depend on the severity of the pain and the individual’s response to the medication.

Some of the common pain medications to treat slip disk are as follows:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, may assist in alleviating inflammation and pain. Acetaminophen also helps to minimize pain.
  • Opioids: These medications, including codeine, oxycodone and morphine, may be used to reduce severe pain, but they carry the potential for side effects such as sedation and constipation and should therefore be reserved as a last resort.
  • Muscle relaxants: Your doctor will prescribe medications, such as cyclobenzaprine, which can help to relax the muscles and reduce spasms that may be contributing to the pain.

Spinal Injections for Slip Disk

Spinal injections may also help in reducing inflammation and alleviating discomfort in the pertinent area. Spinal injections can also be used in combination with other non-surgical procedures.

The most common types of spinal injections for herniated disks are:

  • Epidural steroid injections: These epidural steroid injections administer a corticosteroid medication directly to the affected region to reduce inflammation and discomfort.
  • Facet joint injections: These facet injections are used to minimize the pain at the joints in the back of the spine that connect the vertebrae.

Surgery is typically considered a last resort for treating sciatica when conservative methods, such as physical therapy and medication, have failed to provide relief. However, non-surgical options such as physical therapy, pain medications, and spinal injections have a high success rate under experienced slipped disk specialist doctors to help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with sciatica.

Having a slipped disk can be a very painful and disruptive injury that can cause a great deal of difficulty in completing everyday activities.

Consult your best doctor for slip disk nearby you for the best treatment of slip disk.